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Transparent invoicing

Transparent invoicing

Using the IQ Card means that you save yourself the trouble of dealing with the complicated processing of fuel payment receipts in your own company because your drivers no longer have to pay their refuelling costs first. Instead, you receive a clear collective invoice at the end of the invoicing period. If you like, we can send you a detailed list of the individual transactions, which you can also see at any time online via the IQ Card NETService.
A clear collective invoice instead of individual fuel payment receipts: at the end of the invoicing period, you receive a collective invoice for all transactions made with the IQ Card.
The IQ Card collective invoice helps you to process your fuel costs simply and quickly. As a result, you do not only refuel more cheaply, but you also reduce your book-keeping costs.
you decide how detailed your invoice should be. Upon request, we would be happy to send you a list of all the transactions made with your fuel cards during the invoicing period along with your collective invoices.
Our tip: you can see all transactions online at any time in the 24h IQ Card NETService!